Sunday, October 12, 2008

Unc Boots

So Stella gets into our closet and I hear her in there saying, "Unc boots. Unc boots." She comes out with these massive beasts of boot. She needed a little help getting in. That Goose sure loves her unc. and she must think that he keeps his boots in our closet.

The City

So we went to Silver Dollar City with the Loves and the Ringwalds. We brought the kiddos. Stella had her first experience with "roller coaster rides"...well, what she rode on can hardly be called a roller coaster. anyway, i'll say that she was a little stressed about the whole situation.

unfortunately she wasn't tall enough to ride the ladybugs...i think she was ok with that.

Addi and Rams sure had fun on the ladybugs, though!

at this point, stella is stressed out aboout Addi and Ramsey being on the ladybugs.

Still about her next ride.

next up, the caterpillar/butterfly thing.

ahhhh...the wait.

maybe Jeremy should have opted this one out and let me ride.

hey, is that dude 6'4" and riding in the caterpillar/butterfly thing??
oh, yes he is.

the friendly fellow running the ride suggested that Jeremy ride side saddle.

this was probably his best option.

HALLELUJAH! Stella was ready to move on.

time for a drink break.

pouty girl wants more.

we headed home shortly after this...well, the adults first took turns riding Powderkeg, but we unfortunately don't have any pictures of this. the best pic would have been Andy sitting in a corner with three strollers and four tired kids, none of whom had naps, by the way. thanks Andy, for letting us ride!

the wings

the loves


the generations...

a fun weekend visit from Grammy Lin and Great-Grandma...whoa...that's weird calling Grandma "Great-Grandma"! she sure is great, though!

can you tell who's who?

or how about these?

Thursday, October 2, 2008

No Tits.

So today Stella was playing outside. I told her it was time to come inside for supper. She started screaming and throwing this fit. I told her she needed to stop otherwise she'd have a consequence. She didn't fact she screamed louder and started throwing herself about. So, I brought her inside, spanked her, and set her on the couch for some time out. After she calmed down a little bit I went over to her and we talked about why she got spanked and had to sit in time out. "Stella, do you know why I put you in a time out? I put you in a time out because you were throwing a fit. We do not throw fits. You know that. No fits." to which Stella replies, "No tits." "That's right. No fits." "No tits." tits.