Tuesday, January 20, 2009

picture tag

Trina tagged me. The rules are...

1. Go to where you store your digital photo folders & open the 4th folder.
2. Go to the 4th picture and post it.
3. Explain the picture.
4. Tag an additional 4 people.

Wow, this is a fantastic picture for this. My friend Ryder was trying to see how far through our doggy door he could fit. I should post the other pictures too...

I'm tagging Lisa C., Carey B., Beth R., WOB.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Kung Foo Elmo

These were too funny not to put both of them on there.

What are these things on the ends of my arms?

Eisley is learning to use her hands!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

This is a fun stage- where Stella discovers her imagination. Or, rather, we discover it.

The other day at lunch she took a few bites out of her chip. Then she held it up and said, "Look momma, a hippo!"

I can see it.