Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Proverbs 3:5

This morning we decided to surprise Jeremy with blueberry muffins for breakfast. Stella's had this terrible cough all week. As we were cooking, I told her to cover her mouth with her arm when she coughed to ensure our muffins were free from Stella-snot.

We finished breakfast and I was clearing the table before I got her out of her chair. I walked into the dining room just as I heard her coughing and saw her covering her mouth with her arm. I was quite excited to see her implementing the strategies we had earlier discussed. The look on her face was so sweet as I told her "Good job!!" for covering her mouth when she coughed.

I guess she was feeling proud of her accomplishments. Out of nowhere she started reciting this verse she learned at B.U.M. kids a few weeks ago. I had never heard her say it all by herself without any promptings from me. It's amazing what kids are capable of...especially so young! I got her down from breakfast and asked her to say it again on camera. you go!

Oh yeah, for those of you who don't speak "Stella-ese", here's the translation:

"Trust (in the) Lord (with) all (your) heart (and) lean not (on your) own understanding. I look at pictures!"

"I did it!"

"I love ("you" understood)."

*Note the motions...I LOVE the motions!

1 comment:

trinabanner said...

Precious! I love the "lean" part!