Sunday, December 28, 2008

Saber Sauce

Well, we did it. We officially lied to our child and told her that a big, jolly man comes down our chimney (which doesn't exist), out of our fake gas fireplace, and into our eat cookies, drink milk, and leave her a present. I'm feeling a little guilty about this lie. It's not like when I tell her that she will turn into a ball of Play Dough if she eats it or that Eisley's head will stay the same size forever if Stella keeps hitting it. Ok. So, those things are lies too...but figuratively, you know? They could be true "figuratively". Anyway...

...We made cookies for Santa. We talked about it all day. We've been singing "Santa Claus is coming to town" all week long. Actually, Stella calls him Saber Sauce so sometimes we sing that instead. On car rides she says, "Sing not pout, not cry!!" So we sing. Over and over and over. That evening we put out chocolate chip cookies and milk. These just so happen to be mommy's favorite. Check out how excited she was about cookies and milk out for Santa.

Ok, and this video is AWESOME! Check out the look on her face when she realizes that "Saber Sauce" ate all the cookies and drank all the milk. I love this little girl.


trinabanner said...

Yummy, do you have any of those cookies left? :)

Megan said...

This makes me happy:)